In dreams everybody can make reality their desires.
Behold, a child is afraid that one day his parents separate.
The kid really loves a tale, but in which the father goes away to
work for a long time. One night, sleeping and dreaming about the
story, he changes what scared him.
A story within a tale... and a tale within a story.
To show kids and adults how important it is for training and
mutual relationship, to read stories before bedtime.
Oliu is six years old. At night, he asks his father to tell him
the story he likes the most. Before finish, Oliu is numbed and in
the dream, he and his parents play the roles of the characters in
the tale: A woodcutter family, in which the father has to go
away to work and his mother and three brothers have to live with
what they have. In winter, the wood runs out and the mother
sends the eldest son to the forest to look for more. He returns
wounded. After him goes the second and he gets hurt. The small
Oliu, convinces his mother and he goes there. In the forest, he
helps an old man who shows him how to do to fill the woodshed
without effort… Oliu does it and he comes home with all the
wood. And at that moment returns his father, which is what most
wanted Oliu.
Just in time, because it is breakfast time and going to school.
There are two plot objectives in the show:
(I) About the child who likes the tale, and (II) the expounded in
the own tale.
I.- Above all, we want to emphasize the importance of storytelling
from parents to children, because it is known that stimulates the
imagination and creativity, fosters love for reading and therefore
promotes understanding reading and the acquisition of language
skills, strengthens the powers of observation, attention,
concentration and logical thinking, develop their love of
learning, helps establish a constant relationship between the
child and the world around him, thus helping them in their
socialization and to mature as people. And what is even more
important: strengthens the emotional bond between parents and
children, being an exceptional opportunity for dialogue and
II.- Separately three brothers encounter a person who asks them
for help. Each of them responds differently, given his personality
and his concept of solidarity. This invites the audience to
reflect on share what we have, although in
principle may seem so little. Because a little for those who have
nothing, is a lot.
Author, direction, design and construction marionettes, scenes
and props: Carles Cañellas
Dressmaking marionettes: Susanna Rodríguez
Puppeteers: Carles Cañellas and Susanna
OLIU Full video
Medium-format show for two actors, shadow effects and six top rod
puppets. For children's or family. Indoor.
DURATION: performance: 48min / stage set up: 2:30
hours / dismantling: 1 hour
AUDIENCE: from 2 years upward / maximum
recommended capacity 300 people
SCENIC SPACE: obscure indoor / preferably with
background or black box theatre
minimal measures: width: 4m / depth: 3m / height:
SOUND: own sound equipment of 500w or connection
to the P.A. of the space on stage
LIGHTING: own system of 4000 watts 220v or 380v
CURRENT: power outlet on the stage / potency
2,5Kw/h + lighting